"We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Journey to Florida

Here are a few highlights of my journey from the Arkansas Get-Together to Florida.
Crossing the bridge over the Mississippi River at Greenville:
 I stopped at the Mississippi Welcome Center just because it caught my eye.
 Inside was a display of Mississippi music memorabilia

 Regional Writers were showcased

 And I learned that right down the road in Leland is the "birthplace" of Kermit the Frog.
 So it was decided to pay a visit to the Jim Henson Museum
 It's located on the banks of Deer Creek, where frog prints line the roadside park.

 Inside is an impressive display of Muppet stuff.

 Some original Muppets on loan to the museum.
 Outside is this whimsical bottle tree.
 I crossed Georgia on SR 16, a scenic route that passes south of Atlanta and misses the city traffic. Trees were beginning to show their fall colors.

 While visiting my daughter in the Augusta area, we travelled to North Augusta, SC
 And stepped back in time to the Revolutionary War era at their Living History Park.
 Cannon demos
 Costumed characters brought the village to life.
 Woodworking demonstrations...
 Children in character
 The characters went about their ordinary tasks in such a convincing way, if you use your imagination...it was like being there, back then.

 George Washington was there in uniform and appearance as he was when he led the Continental Army.

 My daughter's family and friends watching a magic show.
 Character showing kids his rat trap.
 Backwoodsmen cottage
 How to make a bucket
 My two granddaughters learning to make musket ammo.

 He was really getting into his act
 Using bellows to stoke the fire.
 The jeweler showing his scales
 Many animals were about
 Daughter and granddaughter in the pink shirts with friends playing with tadpoles.
 Wooden spoon anyone?
 Chickens and turkeys were running around doing their thing.

 We had lunch at the Ordinary...Smoked pork sandwiches.
 Some music at the Tavern
 A tired old soldier
 Now I'm back at my site in McIntosh, FL....watching the birds.
Overlooking the wetlands that was once Orange Lake....not much water left near the campground.
But my friend the red-shouldered hawk is still there and greeted me loudly.
 Five phoebes? finding flies...
 Oh and had to evict a wasp nest from my electrical box, but not before one got me. There's another in a bush nearby.
 Butterflies on wildflowers
 So much beauty all around
I'll be here a couple of months....going through my rounds of dr. visits, getting the RV serviced, vet visits, etc. Will post if anything fun happens...

1 comment:

  1. Such a great tour you have taken us on and the butterflies are the best!..
